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All my loving teachers/students,

Please motivate yourselves to follow my web.
Enjoy improving your skill and ability in science teaching/ learning, especially in chemistry.

If any of you have a question about your difficulty in chemistry of your daily teaching/ learning, please feel free to contact me, and I will publish the answers to those that may be interesting for most of you.

I ask you also to leave a comment in my articles.

Thanks a lot.

Green Education through Eco Chemistry

"Green Education" bertujuan untuk melancarkan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan bangsa melalui penerapan "Eco Chemistry", yaitu pembelajaran yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan segala sesuatu yang alami, ramah lingkungan, sehat, praktis dan ekonomis. Pembelajaran ini memerlukan motivasi diri, internal maupun eksternal dan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan hidup.

Ide ini muncul sejak dicanangkannya tahun 2011 sebagai Tahun Internasional Kimia yang bertepatan dengan peringatan 100 tahun Marie Curie menerima hadiah nobel sebagai ilmuwan kimia wanita pertama. Sedang pemikiran dasar terungkapnya ide ini disebabkan oleh masalah dunia yang sangat memerlukan perhatian, yaitu "Green House Effect" dan "Global Warming." Tindakan ini merupakan salah satu wujud partisipasi aktif penulis terhadap pelaksanaan program wajib belajar 12 tahun dan "Surabaya Eco School."

Penulis mengajak pembaca untuk menerapkan "Green Education" melalui "Eco Chemistry" dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. "Green Education" berlangsung seumur hidup (Long life Education), sejak janin dalam kandungan ibu hingga akan masuk ke liang kubur. Marilah dengan niat dan tekad yang kuat kita tingkatkan terus pendidikan diantara kita, terutama anak bangsa sebagai generasi penerus. Pendidikan ini dapat berlangsung Dimana saja dan Kapan saja.

Contoh penerapan "Eco Chemistry" dalam pembelajaran di SMA Negeri 16 Surabaya secara bertahap penulis terbitkan dalam bentuk artikel. Pembelajaran "Eco Chemistry" yang dimulai di sekolah, terus dilanjutkan secara bertahap ke masyarakat. Diharapkan melalui terobosan baru ini, yaitu penerapan "Eco Chemistry", masyarakat memahami dan menyadari bahwa kimia sangat berperan dalam kehidupan dan masa depan bangsa. Hal ini sesuai dengan slogan "International Year of Chemistry 2011" (IYC 2011), yaitu Chemistry: Our Life and Our Future" yang telah ditetapkan oleh PBB melalui UNESCO. Insya Allah tujuan pendidikan ini dapat tercapai secara optimal.

Web Blog Sejuta Guru Indonesia

Para Pengunjung yang saya cintai,
Ini adalah Blog lamaku yang hingga saat ini digunakan oleh banyak guru, siswa, dan pihak lain yang memerlukan.

Saya juga memiliki Blog Baru lagi yang isinya mulai banyak dan artikel-artikelnya banyak yang berasal dari pertanyaan pengunjung dan permintaan artikel khusus.

Saya akan berupaya untuk mempublish artikel-artikel baru di kedua Blog ini, termasuk blog-blog saya yang lain. Insya Allah tiap hari saya tetap dapat meluangkan waktu untuk menulis artikel, baik tentang kimia, pendidikan seumur hidup, Eco School, kesehatan, dan artikel lainnya.

Semoga kebiasaan menulis ini tak pudar oleh apapun, walau memasuki usia senja. Berbuat yang terbaik untuk anak bangsa begitu indah, marilah bersama cerdaskan bangsa.

Terima kasih

Silakan Berkunjung di

Saturday 10 October 2009


1. The rate of a reaction ….
a. is independent of temperature
b. decreases as the reaction proceeds
c. is independent of concentration
d. is not affected by catalysts

2. Choose the INCORRECT answer. The rate of a chemical reaction ....
a. usually is increased when the concentration of one of the reactants is increased
b. is dependent on temperature
c. may be inhibited sometimes by certain catalytic agents
d. will be very rapid if the activation energy is large

3. The rate of a reaction at any given point in time (the instantaneous rate) is equal to ….
a. the product of k and t
b. the sum of k and t
c. the negative slope of the line tangent to the reaction curve of concentration vs t
d. the absolute value of the slope of the line tangent to the reaction curve of concentration vs t
4. Beaker A contains a 1-grams piece of zinc and beaker B contains 1 gram of powdered zinc. If 100 milliliters of 0.1 M HCl is added to each of the beakers, how does the rate of reaction in beaker A compare to the rate of reaction in beaker B?
a. The rate in A is greater due to the smaller surface area of the zinc.
b. The rate is A is greater due to the greater surface area of the zinc.
c. The rate in B is greater due to the smaller surface area of the zinc.
d. The rate is B is greater due to the greater surface area of the zinc.
5. At which temperature does an aqueous solution of LiCl have the highest average kinetic energy?
a. 100 C
b. 150 C
c. 200 C
d. 273 K
e. 373 K
6. A variable that has NO EFFECT on reaction rate is ....
a. energy of activation
b. temperature
c. catalyst
d. concentration
e. none of these
7. Which of the following lowers the activation energy of a reaction?
a. adding reactants
b. lowering the temperature
c. removing products
d. adding a catalyst
e. raising the temperature
8. A catalyst ....
a. takes part in a reaction and speeds it up
b. appears in the rate equation of a chemical reaction
c. provides an alternate reaction pathway
d. raises the activation energy of a reaction
e. none of the above
9. A catalyst will affect the rate of the forward reaction by changing the ....
a. activation energy
b. heat of reaction
c. heat of formation
d. potential energy of the products

10. A catalyst alters the rate of a chemical reaction by ....
a. always providing a surface on which molecules react
b. changing the products formed in the reaction
c. inducing an alternate pathway for the reaction with generally lower activation energy
d. changing the frequency of collisions between molecules

11. The catalytic converter in an automobile uses NiO and Pt metal to speed the combustion of CO to CO2. This is an example of ....
a. homogeneous catalysis
b. heterogeneous catalysis
c. acid hydrolysis
d. enzyme catalysis
12. If the rate of a reaction is determined at the instant a reaction begins
a. the reverse reaction can be ignored
b. the products will not show up in the rate law
c. only the reactant concentrations will affect the rate of the reaction at the specified conditions
d. only the forward reaction needs to be considered
e. all of the above

13. The rate law of a reaction (choose 2)
a. provides information about the reaction mechanism
b. shows the intermediates of a reaction
c. may be used to identify the rate determining step of a complex reaction
d. will aid in writing the balanced chemical equation for the reaction

14. If the concentration of a reactant is doubled and the rate of the reaction doubles, with all other factors which would affect the rate of the reaction held constant, the order of the reactant is ....
a. zero
b. first
c. second
d. third
e. forth
15. If the concentration of a reactant is doubled and the rate of the reaction quadruples, with all other factors which would affect the rate of the reaction held constant, the order of the reactant is ....
a. zero
b. first
c. second
d. third
e. forth
16. If the concentration of a reactant is doubled and the rate of the reaction does not change, with all other factors which would affect the rate of the reaction held constant, the order of the reactant is ....
a. Zero
b. First
c. Second
d. third
e. forth
17. Which of the following is the rate law (differential) of the reaction aA --> B, if reactant A is zero order?
a. Rate = k
b. Rate = k[A]
c. Rate = [A]
d. Rate = k[A]2
e. Rate = [A]2
18. Which of the following is the rate law (differential) of the reaction aA --> B, if reactant A is second order?
a. Rate = k
b. Rate = k[A]
c. Rate = [A]
d. Rate = k[A]2
e. Rate = [A]2
19. What is the overall order for the reaction whose rate law is Rate = k[A]2[B]?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
e. 4
20. If a reaction has a rate equation of rate = k[A][B][C] then it is ....
a. second order
b. first order
c. third order
d. zero order
e. cannot be determined
21. Zero-order reactions ....
a. often involve catalysts
b. often occur on a metal (e.g. platinum, palladium) surface
c. are unaffected by changes in the concentrations of the reactants
d. have their rate determined by the active sites on the enzymes or metal surface
e. all of the above

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