CHEMISTRY AROUND THE WORLD When we see something around us, we recognize that every single thing is chemistry. So certainly, for better live, we have to motivate ourselves to learn everything around us. "Green Education through Eco Chemistry."
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Green Education through Eco Chemistry
"Green Education" bertujuan untuk melancarkan peningkatan kualitas pendidikan bangsa melalui penerapan "Eco Chemistry", yaitu pembelajaran yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan segala sesuatu yang alami, ramah lingkungan, sehat, praktis dan ekonomis. Pembelajaran ini memerlukan motivasi diri, internal maupun eksternal dan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan hidup.
Ide ini muncul sejak dicanangkannya tahun 2011 sebagai Tahun Internasional Kimia yang bertepatan dengan peringatan 100 tahun Marie Curie menerima hadiah nobel sebagai ilmuwan kimia wanita pertama. Sedang pemikiran dasar terungkapnya ide ini disebabkan oleh masalah dunia yang sangat memerlukan perhatian, yaitu "Green House Effect" dan "Global Warming." Tindakan ini merupakan salah satu wujud partisipasi aktif penulis terhadap pelaksanaan program wajib belajar 12 tahun dan "Surabaya Eco School."
Penulis mengajak pembaca untuk menerapkan "Green Education" melalui "Eco Chemistry" dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. "Green Education" berlangsung seumur hidup (Long life Education), sejak janin dalam kandungan ibu hingga akan masuk ke liang kubur. Marilah dengan niat dan tekad yang kuat kita tingkatkan terus pendidikan diantara kita, terutama anak bangsa sebagai generasi penerus. Pendidikan ini dapat berlangsung Dimana saja dan Kapan saja.
Contoh penerapan "Eco Chemistry" dalam pembelajaran di SMA Negeri 16 Surabaya secara bertahap penulis terbitkan dalam bentuk artikel. Pembelajaran "Eco Chemistry" yang dimulai di sekolah, terus dilanjutkan secara bertahap ke masyarakat. Diharapkan melalui terobosan baru ini, yaitu penerapan "Eco Chemistry", masyarakat memahami dan menyadari bahwa kimia sangat berperan dalam kehidupan dan masa depan bangsa. Hal ini sesuai dengan slogan "International Year of Chemistry 2011" (IYC 2011), yaitu Chemistry: Our Life and Our Future" yang telah ditetapkan oleh PBB melalui UNESCO. Insya Allah tujuan pendidikan ini dapat tercapai secara optimal.
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Saya akan berupaya untuk mempublish artikel-artikel baru di kedua Blog ini, termasuk blog-blog saya yang lain. Insya Allah tiap hari saya tetap dapat meluangkan waktu untuk menulis artikel, baik tentang kimia, pendidikan seumur hidup, Eco School, kesehatan, dan artikel lainnya.
Semoga kebiasaan menulis ini tak pudar oleh apapun, walau memasuki usia senja. Berbuat yang terbaik untuk anak bangsa begitu indah, marilah bersama cerdaskan bangsa.
Terima kasih
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Monday, 10 August 2009
Please remember about Redox reaction that you have learnt before. What do you think about this type of reaction? Redox comes from the words reduction and oxidation. Do you remember the reason? Please give an example of this reaction from daily life that happened around you.
Oxidation comes from the word oxigen. So, if an element reacts with oxigen, the result is an oxide, metal oxide or non metal oxide. If the metal is iron and the non metal is sulfur, please try to write down the chemical equation.
Here, I give you other examples, that is magnesium as a metal and hydrogen as a non metal.
2 Mg(s) + O2(g) --> 2 MgO(s)
2 H2(g) + O2(g) --> 2 H2O(l)
In these two reactions, Mg and H2 are oxidised by O2 and as a result, magnesium oxide and hydrogen oxide or water. So these reactions can be classified as oxidation, according to the Mg and H2. In this process, oxidation number (ON) of Mg and H change from zero to +2 and +1. Do you remember how to calculate ON?
These are a few rules to remember
1.The oxidation number of an element is zero.
2.The oxidation number of an ion is equal to the charge of the ion.
3.Hydrogen has an oxidation number of +1 (this doesn't apply to hydrides when hydrogen is -1).
4.Oxygen has an oxidation number of -2 (except in peroxides when it is -1).
It is then simply a matter of adding together all of the oxidation numbers of the elements in a compound and making sure that the total is = 0
If you look at O2, you can find that ON of O2 in both reactions change from zero to -2. Please compare the change of ON of Mg and H2 with O2. The ON of Mg and H2increase, but the ON of O2 decreases. The first reaction we call oxidation, and the second is reduction. So that reduction and oxidation occur in the same time, one transfers electrons to another. That is why these two half-reactions can not be separated.
Oxidation is the loss of electrons, reduction is the gain of electrons
Oxidation is a half equation 2 Mg --> 2 Mg2+ + 4e-.
Reduction is a half equation O2 + 4e- --> 2 O2-.
Oxidising and reducing agents
An oxidizing agent is an element which causes oxidation (and is reduced as a result) by removing electrons from another species.
A reducing agent is an element which causes reduction (and is oxidized as a result) by giving electrons to another species.
In the above example Mg is the reducing agent as it has brought about the reduction of O2 to O2-.
Students, I hope all the above explanation can help you to remember REDOX reaction and apply it to the next concept, that is balancing redox equation.
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